Maket in Sudan

A weekly market in Gidel, a village in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan.


Poggo has been meeting with faith leaders, as well as visiting church and community groups. 

The visit was made almost one year from the outbreak of conflict in Sudan. It marks the first visit of a non-Sudanese senior-level Anglican clergy since war erupted.

The conflict in Sudan is causing a huge humanitarian crisis, with more than 10,000 killed, and 5.6 million people displaced. Cholera is rife. The destruction of property, including churches and places of worship, continues through ongoing warfare. Many mediation efforts in the region are failing to make progress.

Throughout his solidarity visit, Poggo reinforced calls for peace and solidarity statements made by churches around the world.

On 17 March, Poggo preached at a service at Christ Church Cathedral in Port Sudan. ”I have come to encourage you and to tell that Sudan is not forgotten by the Anglican Communion,” he said. We pray for you often that peace comes to Sudan.”

On 18 March, Poggo spoke as part of an interfaith meeting during Ramadan that gathered government officials as well as ecumenical and interfaith leaders. 

It may be frustrating that the media has not been saying much of your situation, however many people across the globe continue to keep you in their thoughts and prayers, even if it does not appear to be the case,” said Poggo. All Sudanese people have faced uncertainties, frustrations, hopelessness, and suffering for the last 11 months.”

Poggo said he was aware of the terrible impact of the conflict on the people and communities in Sudan. The displacement of people internally as well the influx of refugees in the wider region causes huge suffering,” he said.”I hope and pray that your leaders will think of the suffering of the Sudanese people.”

Commenting on Poggos visit, the primate of Sudan Archbishop Ezekiel Kondo said: “As the Anglican Communions secretary general, Bishop Anthony Poggo is the first senior level Anglican clergy to visit the region since the war began. At a time where war is waging in many parts of Sudan, his visit to the Episcopal Church of Sudan has been a real encouragement and an act of solidarity. It shows us that Sudan is not forgotten by the Anglican Communion.”

The Anglican Communion – as a member of the World Council of Churches (WCC) – supported a WCC statement calling for peace in June 2023. The Africa Anglican Primates, through the Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa, also made a Statement of Solidarity to the Primate and the Faithful Episcopal Church of Sudan” in December 2023.

WCC member churches in Sudan