“Ken Ross’s book deals with the first full missiological commentary on the Arusha Call to Discipleship, the major outcome document of the World Council of Churches Conference on World Mission and Evangelism held in Arusha, Tanzania, in 2018,” said Rev. Dr Risto Jukko, director of the WCC Commission on World Mission and Evangelism (CWME).
Lyn van Rooyen, coordinator editor for WCC Publications, celebrated this first co-publication between WCC and Globethics.net Publications: "We hope to reach an even wider readership with accessible and inspirational publications through this partnership. We are also excited about the option of providing bulk orders at preferential prices in regions where access to resources is a challenge."
“We are proud to be a part of this important publication project with the WCC”, commented Dr Ignace Haaz, Globethics.net’s Publication Manager adding that, “I trust that this text will reach not only those who are following developments spurred by the Arusha Call to Discipleship but also those in the wider community. Ken Ross’s insights merit being read by all”.
Speakers, in addition to author Ross, will include:
- Adi Mariana Waqa, Pacific Conference of Churches, ecumenical enabler for child protect and empowerment
- Fr Richard Nnyombi, catholic priest and missionary, Missionaries of Africa, Uganda, CWME Commissioner
- Rev. (Pfarrerin) Heike Bosien (Prälaturpfarrerin/Geschäftsführung), Dienst für Mission, Ökumene und Entwicklung im Hospitalhof Stuttgart, Germany
- Rev. Dr Karen Georgia A. Thompson, associate general minister for Wider Church Ministries and Operations, United Church of Christ and Co-Executive for Global Ministries of the United Church of Christ/Disciples of Christ, USA
- Prof. Dr Obiora Ike, executive director, Globethics.net
Link to join the book launch - 2 December, 15:00-16:00 CET
WCC- Globethics.net collaboration agreement