What work has the Worship Planning Committee recently completed?
Krause-Vilmar: We are still in the middle of the work process. In our last meeting, we completed the first drafts of the prayers, including the selected songs, although some of it is at different stages and all drafts need further work.
What has been the biggest challenge for your group?
Krause-Vilmar: The biggest challenge has been the pandemic. After our first in-person meeting in 2019, we could only meet online. The committee dealt with the current situation quite well. We meet online regularly and often. We get through this time together. The world has changed and still – or maybe more than ever – needs prayers of Christ’s love and compassion. That’s why the relevance of our task is obvious to me.
What have you personally found most rewarding?
Krause-Vilmar: The mixture of learning from different contexts while at the same time creating something together. I am really humbled and delighted to be the moderator of this amazing group from all over the globe. And I am constantly learning from the various traditions and expressions of our common faith. On our last meeting, one person shared a prayer, that reflects and critically questions the connotation of light and darkness in prayers. I never thought about that before.
Can you share a few highlights of the unique aspects of worship for the WCC 11th Assembly?
Krause-Vilmar: Our goal is that prayers are the heartbeat of the assembly. We want to tell stories of Christ’s love. Stories are at the heart of Christianity and faith is formed by stories. Stories of Christ’s love are not romantic, but lead to transformation and compassion. Generally, we are aiming to be less wordy, so that the various elements flow without moderation and get people moving.
What resources can people peruse ahead of time to help enrich their experience?
Krause-Vilmar: In the next few weeks the WCC will publish a booklet called “Celebrate Christ’s Love!” This publication will offer a sample of the songs, prayers and scripture readings, that will be used during the assembly. "Celebrate Christ's Love!” gives a foretaste of the assembly and opens a common spiritual path on our way to Karlsruhe.