“Throughout our faith communities, we have mourned as we had to bury our dead while not being able to participate fully in our traditional liturgical and cultural rites,” read a reflection during an online morning prayer for WCC staff and ecumenical organizations based in the Ecumenical Center. “We have struggled for survival as lockdowns have negatively impacted our local economies.”
Reflections also acknowledged both physical and mental fatigue. “The sense of being fatigued goes beyond the physical,” read another reflection. “There is also related spiritual fatigue, even for people of faith.”
The same prayers and reflections were used by WCC member churches and partner organizations across the world.
Together, the ecumenical fellowship lamented the more than 2 million people who have died
and the deadly impact of the pandemic on the vulnerable, especially children.
People across the world prayed: “Gracious God, may we be reminded that our prayers of lament are never wasted, for even as we empty our tears before you, we know that you look upon us with pity.”
Prayers were also said for World Water Day and for the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
Follow the week of prayer (Blog post, prayers, publication)
Link to the Global Prayer on 26 March