Photo: Ivars Kupcis/WCC

Photo: Ivars Kupcis/WCC

The newly released Fifth Anniversary Women’s Global Prayer Guide, published by the Lott Carey Global Christian Missional Community, features 31 days of prayer for women’s empowerment from contributors around the world.

A Kenyan pastor, Jackline Ngetich, prays for the women and girls in her homeland of Kenya: "Dear Lord, please protect them. Shield them from predators and victimizers. Have mercy on these dear and vulnerable girls.”

Another prayer, contributed by World Council of Churches  director of communication Marianne Ejdersten, reflected on the courage of Mary as the mother of Jesus: “Dear God, give us Mary’s courage, consideration, joie de vivre and wisdom.”

Ejdersten, who is from Sweden, continues: “Let us create better conditions for everyone in Sweden, in the Holy Land and in the rest of the world.”

With the guide as an inspirational tool, Lott Carey is seeking worldwide, daily participation in prayer during the 31 days of March.

The prayer guide also introduces #STANDUP4HER, a special social media initiative to bring awareness to the 31 days of prayer.

“This annual month of prayer for women's empowerment prays daily prayers written by women around the world,” said David Emmanuel Goatley, executive secretary-treasurer for Lott Carey. “We seek to listen to her voice and listen to the voice of God answering our prayers for guidance and grace to work for justice for women. Together, we STANDUP4HER.”

Women’s Global Prayer Guide

The campaign video #STANDUP4HER