A photo exhibit entitled “And It Is Good” is offering fresh inspiration to viewers who realize how caring for creation is not just important but an emergency measure.
During the exhibit opening on 26 September, World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit remarked that “this is another good moment for us to stand together and to also celebrate something together as we are facing the greatest challenge of humanity today, climate change.”
Exhibition on display at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva, 26 September. Photo: Rhoda Mphande/WCC
Tveit continued to say that “this past week we have witnessed many strong voices that have been instrumental in sending a global message that we need to be dedicated stewards of climate justice.”
Rev. Dr Martin Junge, general secretary of the Lutheran World Federation pointed out that “we have been driven and pushed by young people when it comes to climate justice. They wake us up, they keep us going and challenge us.”
Bishop Solveig Fiske (Church of Norway) and Bishop Solveig Lara Gudmundsdottir (Evangelical Lutheran Church of Iceland), jointly cut a red ribbon as a symbol of opening the exhibition. Fiske noted that “this exhibition inspires us to work further on a theology that does not make a distinction between nature and us as human beings and we need to underline that we belong to each other and we are dependent on each other.”
Gudmundsdottir acknowledged that “I believe in the young generation, I believe in the risen Christ and that is why I have so much hope for the future because Christ is risen and young people are really going to save the earth.”
The photo exhibition will be displayed in the lobby at the Ecumenical Centre for the next three weeks. It is jointly launched by ACT Alliance, the Lutheran World Federation, the World Communion of Reformed Churches and the World Council of Churches. The exhibition will be presented in countries around the world until the COP25 Climate Conference in Santiago, Chile, in December, where it will be on display during the conference.
Sample photos from the exhibition
Exhibition launch photo gallery
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Learn more about the WCC work on care for creation and climate justice
“Season of Creation” means focusing on our interconnectedness