Highlights from the online Daily Assembly News Show on 8 September include:
Thursdays in Black: Reflections on the importance of this global campaign to end violence towards women and girls.
Assembly places: A glimpse at the some of the places we have been meeting, singing, and conducting the business of the assembly.
Celebrating the work behind the scenes: Come explore a fun look at assembly.
Challenges for the future: Participants share their thoughts on how unity, inclusion of youth, and diversity are important challenges for the future of the WCC.
Voices of youth participants: “The beauty of embracing diversity,” is one of the many things Moishen Metjei Phom, Phom Baptist Christian Association, Negaland, India, will remember.
Life of the steward: Highlights from stewards on what it has meant to serve as a steward at the WCC 11th Assembly.
WCC Daily Assembly News airs new segments every day. Be sure to check out the latest for a look at the spirit of the assembly—it grows and changes by the hour
Livestream of the WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany