Highlights of the online Daily Assembly News Show on 6 September include:
Korea peace appeal: “So many families —they’re separated by Korean war,” says Rev. Ki-Pyung Nam.
Exhibitions—Christian Blind Mission: “Nearly 36 million people are blind worldwide, and 90 precent are living in developing countries,” says Gisela Matthes, team manager of Christian Blind Mission.
LIVE Link to the Networking Zone. Dip into this vibrant space and see what’s happening as people connect!
Hopes and prayers to the world: “I speak from the perspective of an Indigenous person,” says Bishop Rex Reyes, Episcopal Diocese of Central Philippines, Inc., who outlines his biggest hopes.
Season of Creation in New Zealand: See how a tree-planting in New Zealand, inspired during the Season of Creation, is protecting a hillside from erosion and keeping a stream healthy.
WCC Daily Assembly News airs new segments every day. Be sure to check out the latest for a look at the spirit of the assembly—it grows and changes by the hour!
Livestream of the WCC 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany