The World Methodist Conference is convening from 13-18 August under the theme “On The Move,” with sub-themes including “Migration,” “Pilgrimage,” and “Guiding Lights.”
Pillay attended and spoke at a special evening in solidarity with all Koreans in their struggles and hopes.
“The WCC itself, from the first years of its existence at the beginning of the Cold War, has also wrestled with the moral, spiritual, legal, and geopolitical dimensions of the Korean situation,” he said. "With recent changes in the Korean government and in the larger geopolitical context, momentum toward dialogue, cooperation, and improved relations has largely stalled.”
Pillay expressed lamentation for the deterioration of relations. “We must resist this development and stand tall for peace. Even when official contacts wither and the atmosphere becomes heated, the WCC, the Korean churches, and all of us must remain deeply committed to inter-Korean leadership for peace and reunification of the divided Korean people,” he said. “I firmly believe that such prayer, especially shared prayer, can enable a breakthrough.”
Prayer puts us in touch with the God of life, Pillay noted. “In prayer we invoke God’s presence and activity in the cause of peace and justice, even as it empowers in us a readiness to meet God halfway by taking risks for peace,” he said. “Illumined by the Spirit, our prayer cultivates in us a holy boldness—an openness to the new ideas, overtures, gestures, dialogue, and plans so needed today in the name of peace.”
Pillay also asked: what is the role of the churches? “Along with prayer, I believe we must redouble our efforts as advocates, catalysts, and mediators of peace and reconciliation,” he said. “This is our sacred calling as we journey together as churches, as Christians—in Korea itself, among the Korean diaspora, and around the world.”
The churches must come together to cry for peace, Pillay urged. “Now is the time for resolve, courage, and creativity,” he said. “After all, we do not lack for faith, in God or each other.”
2024 Joint South-North Prayer for Peace and Reunification on the Korean Peninsula