Service in St Mary's Orthodox cathedral in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Before the service in St Mary's cathedral of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2017.


“We join you in grieving for the deaths, injuries, displacement and divisions resulting from the tragic conflict in the northern part of the country,” the letter reads. “We are deeply concerned about the hardship and loss inflicted on the civilian population, especially the most vulnerable including women, children and the physically challenged.”

The letter also commiserates with those who have lost loved ones. “We lament the fact that this conflict has added heavily to the constellation of concurrent crises already afflicting the people of Ethiopia – including the attacks targeting specific ethnic and religious groups, regional tensions associated with the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, the worst locust plague in 25 years, serious impacts on food production, and the COVID-19 pandemic,” the letter reads.

The organizations convey solidarity and a commitment to support and accompany the churches of Ethiopia as they seek to fulfill their prophetic ministry for justice, peace and human dignity.

The letter concludes with prayers for all the people of Ethiopia. “As disciples of Christ and as partners in Christ’s mission, we are bound together by love and compassion, especially for such moments as these, to share each other’s pain, and to lift each other up,” the letter concludes. “We pray with you for an end to the conflict, the safe return of those who have been displaced, and for an inclusive reconciliation process that will lead to sustainable peace for all in Ethiopia.”

The letter is signed by the World Council of Churches, Lutheran World Federation, World Communion of Reformed Churches, All Africa Conference of Churches, Fellowship of Christian Councils and Churches in the Great Lakes and Horn of Africa, ACT Alliance, Anglican Communion, and World Methodist Council.

Read the Joint letter to Churches in Ethiopia

WCC member churches in Ethiopia