
Hosted by the Protestant Church of Geneva, Roman Catholic Church of Geneva, Christian Catholic Church of Geneva, Interreligious Platform of Geneva, and Spiritual Call of Geneva, the program included biblical readings, passages from the Quran, and musical interludes that were accompanied by long moments of silence and the constant plea: "May the Compassionate One establish peace among the descendants of Isaac and Ishmael and among all human beings.”

In his opening remarks, Rev. Alexander Winter, from the Protestant Church of Geneva, said: “Tonight, through music, silence, and through some selected words from the sacred Scriptures from our traditions, we will stand side by side. Without speeches, without weapons, almost without sound, but embracing our peace and our implacable hope for reconciliation and peace”.

“In what we share together today, let us not forget: a human life is a human life. Always and everywhere”, added Winter. 

Photo gallery by EPG/Eric Roset