“The humanitarian crisis in the blockaded enclave of Nagorno-Karabagh (Artsakh) is escalating into tragic levels of experiences with the prolonged deprivations and sufferings of civilians,” reads the letter. “We are, thus, prompted to stress the urgency of finding solutions to the ongoing crisis.”
Both organizations reiterated previous statements and positions on the need for urgent and immediate action by the international community.
“The Lachin corridor is the only road that links the region to Armenia and it has been blocked for more than seven months, seriously affecting the lives and living conditions of 120,000 people, including children,” reads the letter.
People are lacking food, medication, electricity, and fuel. “ Their fundamental human rights are increasingly violated on a daily basis,” reads the letter. “We reiterate our firm conviction that lasting peace could be built only on the genuine commitment of all interested parties in negotiations who take seriously the full observance of all human rights and the fundamental freedom of all people based on mutual trust and respect.”