As of 25 April 2019, the World Council of Churches (WCC) Annual Review 2018 is available for download online. The annual review records many of the WCC’s activities undertaken in 2018 and continuing into 2019.
“I am grateful the we were able in 2018 to celebrate the WCC’s 70th anniversary, its ecumenical legacy, and the fruits of Christian fellowship among our member churches. From the papal and patriarchal visits to the return to our founding location in Amsterdam, it was a banner year,” reflects WCC general secretary Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit in the foreword.
“With pride I call your attention to the ecumenically supported strides for peace in several international venues, advances in consensus among those who labor in mission and evangelism, progress in the partnerships of the WCC and its ecumenical partners with UN agencies, and the convergence of decades of ecumenical work in health and healing to overcome HIV, care for children and promote gender justice,” Tveit continues and adds, “Indeed, the historic visit of Pope Francis on 21 June was emblematic of our work and an affirmation of the shared ecumenical journey of ‘Walking, Praying and Working Together,’ a pilgrimage that embraces Christians of all regions and confessions.”
“Our journey of faith ties our perennial quest for unity to action and advocacy for peace and justice around the world. Indeed, our unity is for the sake of God’s world: One Christian fellowship united in service to the one human family,” says Tveit.
Download the WCC’s Annual Review 2018 (soon to be available also in French, German, and Spanish.)
Printed copies of the WCC Annual Review 2018 in English are available on request from WCC Communication: [email protected]