The Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa issued an urgent call for prayers for the Republic of Cameroon. “We come to you through the medium of this letter with an appeal to support in doing the one thing that we are encouraged to do unceasingly as Christians – to pray,” reads the text.
“Friends, we have been reading of stories and seeing the images of the sufferings of our sisters and brothers in the Republic of Cameroon in their struggle with a system that has divided them based on an imposed description of Anglophone and Francophone divide.”
The letter mourns the suffering – maiming, destruction of property and life and needless disruptions in the lives of ordinary defenceless citizens—caught in the divide. “Many of our sisters and brothers face brutalities, oppression and repression, denial of access of the necessities of life and other deprivations on a daily basis,” the letter continues. “We are worried and greatly disturbed by this situation.”
The letter also expressed hope and faith in the leaders of Cameroon. “Let us pray for healing, reconciliation, and restoration in Cameroon and all other troubled nations on the continent,” the letter concludes.