“Christianity in China” forms the theme of 14 articles published in the March 2015 issue of The Ecumenical Review, a quarterly journal of the World Council of Churches (WCC). According to guest editors Xiao Ping Sun and Dietrich Werner, “Although early issues of The Ecumenical Review devoted some attention to the developments in Chinese Christianity and the need for better understanding and dialogue, in recent years the journal has published few articles” describing expressions of faith in China.

“This publication,” the editors explain, “marks the first time a full issue of The Ecumenical Review has been devoted to contemporary discussions and developments in Chinese Christianity.”

Among the many authors and co-authors represented are Xu Zihua of Fudan University in Shanghai, Melissa Lin Manhong, Yongtao Chen, Ruomin Liu and Mikka Ruokannen of Nanjing Union Theological Seminary, Philip L. Wickeri, theological advisor to the Anglican archbishop of Hong Kong, Cindy S. Lu, who contributes an article on the need for more quality educational resources through libraries, digitization programmes and better communication channels, and sketches of such resources from the China Information Desk Hamburg and Martha Smalley of the Yale Divinity School library.

“It is imperative,” conclude the editors, “that the ecumenical fellowship of churches that comes together in the WCC listen carefully to their brothers and sisters in China, follow recent developments in religious policies and demography in China attentively, and strengthen partnerships and dialogue with Chinese churches, officials in religious offices, and partners in business, academia, and politics”.

Information regarding The Ecumenical Review

Content page of the March 2015 issue