children selling food

DanChurchAid, a member of the ACT Alliance, is helping families in Akobo with food and livelihood projects aimed at lowering vulnerability and increasing food security at a time when the arrival of many newly displaced families increased competition in the community over scarce food resources. Growing a wider variety of vegetables is an important part of the program, which it carries out in partnership with Nile Hope, a South Sudanese organization.


The first convocation, held in Nairobi, addressed Global Faith Voices in Kenya, Listen and Learn: Addressing Hunger Through Climate Smart Agriculture.”

The second convocation was a gathering centered on prayer, exploring solutions, and advocacy.

During an opening prayer, Fr Philemon Zulu said: Together, we share a fierce resolve to stand and work together to end the hunger crisis made worse by climate instability, to renew your creation, and to bring our planet into balance, forming a beloved community in which all of creation can thrive. We center our gathering around climate Justice as our means for furthering this resolve.”

The gathering released a statement, A Faithful Voice on Hunger and Climate Justice,” in which they expressed a fierce resolve to stand and work together.

"To address the hunger crisis made worse by climate change, we draw from the wellsprings of our Christian faith,” the statement reads. We recognize Christs suffering presence in the communities hurt first and hardest by climate change: those without adequate means to flourish, the historically underserved, and those least likely to have a voice at the table where policy decisions are made – the very people who suffer disproportionately even as their contribution to global emissions is almost negligible.”

The convocations were organized by Bread for the World in partnership with many faith-based partners and non-governmental organizations.

Find more information about the event here