Bread for the World visit 2024

Maertin and Funck toured the WCC offices, then met with WCC general secretary Rev. Prof.  Dr Jerry Pillay.

Also on the agenda: an introduction to the Green Village project; to the WCCs work on Unity, Mission and Ecumenical Formation; and to regional relations in Asia, the Pacific, and Europe.

A  major portion of the programme was spent on an introduction to the WCCs work on Public Witness and Diakonia, including peace-building efforts in the Middle East and Ukraine, as well as care for creation. 

Bread for the World joins the WCC in striving for a world in which we demand basic human rights, an end to poverty and inequalities, and a path toward sustainable development,” Pillay said. Our conversations have created even more steppingstones toward these common visions.”

Maertin said: I was deeply impressed by the number of initiatives the WCC undertakes to counteract the fragmentation of Christians and global society as a whole.”

Funck said she appreciated the opportunity to learn more in detail about how WCC staff and the global ecumenical fellowship are constantly finding ways to be the church in and for the world today. It is encouraging to be journeying together on the Pilgrimage of Justice, Reconciliation, and Unity,” she said.