Gracia Violeta Ross, WCC programme executive for HIV, Reproductive Health, and Pandemics; and Rev. Dr Mikie Roberts, WCC programme executive for Spiritual Life and Faith and Order

Gracia Violeta Ross, WCC programme executive for HIV, Reproductive Health, and Pandemics; and Rev. Dr Mikie Roberts, WCC programme executive for Spiritual Life and Faith and Order.


The WCC led a Campaign of Hope” as part of this years festival. There were several activities included in this campaign, jointly led by Gracia Violeta Ross, WCC programme executive for HIV, Reproductive Health, and Pandemics; and Rev. Dr Mikie Roberts, WCC programme executive for Spiritual Life and Faith and Order. The activities started with worshipping and engaging with the staff and students at the Codrington College. From there, there were opportunities to also participate with the local media and provide interviews for the local television station and the print media. 

The program included, for the first time, a breakfast gathering with pastors and church leaders. Ross offered a public lecture, "Living with H.I.V. Hope, Inspiration & Vision,” at the Calvary Moravian Church as the first official event of this year’s festival following the opening service. Roberts then led a Hymnspeak, a night of hymn siningin, the following evening under the theme, “Holy, Holy, Holy.” 

“Overall, the WCC’s presence during the 31st staging of the Barbados Gospelfest was very impactful,” said Roberts. “There were approximately 53 persons attending the lecture while about 650 persons or more were at the Hymnspeak event.”

The Saturday morning breakfast with local pastors and church leaders was attended by 36 persons most of whom were not drawn from WCC member churches. “Yet there was a keen interest in the work of the WCC, especially in the area of health and healing,” said Roberts. 

The WCC’s “Campaign of Hope” drew on collaboration across multiple sectors, showing that outcomes can have a lasting impact. “The relationship which was established with the Pan American Health Organization and the local Ministry of Health and Wellness and the HIV/AIDS Commission bears testimony to how such multi-sectoral collaborations can yield positive outcomes,” said Ross. “But the engagement with the Barbados Gospelfest also demonstrated the value that is gained through intentional interaction with the local media.”

The messages central to this year’s “Campaign of Hope” reverberated beyond the walls of the venues where people had gathered.

The WCC plans to strengthen this newly established ecumenical partnership with the Barbados Gospelfest as it continues to fulfill its purpose of “Touching Lives…Changing Nations.”

Ricardo Leacock