Methodist Church in Cuba
(Iglesia Metodista en Cuba, IMC)
*Statistics taken from the World Methodist Council Handbook.
The Methodist Church in Cuba has its origins in the missionary work of the Methodist Church in the USA, which sent Cuban emigrant pastors in 1883 to start evangelization in Cuba. The work was interrupted because of the independence war which liberated Cuba from the Spanish colonial power. In 1898 some American missionaries arrived in Cuba to take up the mission again, and a new phase of Cuban Methodism began. The first Cuban annual conference was held in 1923. The church achieved its autonomy in 1968, thanks to the efforts of the Cuban Methodist leaders at that time, and the assistance of the Methodist Church in the USA. Since 1969 the church has been self-supporting. It has well-organized work with women, youth, young adults, men, and activities in the area of evangelization.
Currently the Methodist Church in Cuba experiences growth and progress in its membership and mission. During the past few years some 200 new congregations have been formed and the church is now present in all the provinces of the country. In addition to the registered membership some 30,000 other people are attending worship services. The members live out their faith with great enthusiasm. The church is committed to the gospel of its Lord and eager to share the transforming message of Jesus Christ with the people of Cuba.