Evangelical Church of the Disciples of Christ in Argentina
(Iglesia Evangélica de los Discipulos de Cristo)
The Church of the Disciples of Christ in Argentina was established by missionaries from the USA who arrived in 1906 and subsequent years. The church became autonomous in 1959. Throughout its history, it has had a strong sense of being called to remain faithful to what is the essence of the denomination: the search for the unity of the churches and a strong emphasis on Christian service. Today, the Disciples of Christ exercise their ministry in two provinces very far apart from each other: Buenos Aires and Chaco (north of the country). In Buenos Aires there are four congregations, two of which are joint congregations with the Methodist Church.
In the Chaco area the "Hope" ecumenical congregation is also part of a unity experience with the Methodist Church, the Reformed Church and the Evangelical Church of the River Plate. This congregation is in charge of a common mission project. In the national context the congregations are small and consequently the Church of the Disciples is one of the smallest churches on the ecumenical scene. However, the membership figure does not reflect the number of persons and families with whom the church is intimately related through the various activities in which the congregations are engaged. The Disciples of Christ assume also their commitments of witness and service through various ecumenical organizations, which it has helped to found together with other churches (e.g. the United Mission working with indigenous people in the Chaco area, the Ecumenical Movement for Human Rights, the United Council of Christian Education, the Higher Institute of Theological Studies, and the Commission for Assistance to Migrants and Refugees).
The economy of Argentina has been in crisis for a long time. The church has at all times accompanied those who seek to alleviate the needs in their communities, through soup kitchens, day centres, medical assistance, etc., and the creation of micro-enterprises. All the emphasis of service and ecumenical action is founded on, and sustained by a profound Christian experience and a strong commitment to the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ as the Lord of life and as an expression of the saving and redeeming love of God the Father. The risen Christ proclaimed by the church continues to be the answer for all persons and for the country, in the midst of the serious and sad problems humanity faces.