World Council of Churches
Inspiring the worldwide fellowship of churches to work together for unity, justice and peace.

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세계교회협의회(WCC) 성령 강림절 메시지를 전 세계와 현지에서 공유하세요.
16 May 2024치유의 은총을 바라는 한반도 평화와 통일을 위한 8.15남북(북남)공동기도문
09 August 2022한국에 울려 퍼지는 기도와 찬송, 화해와 제11차 WCC 총회에 대한 희망을 밝혀
04 August 2022
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The Ecumenical Prayer Cycle
Prayer is at the very heart of the ecumenical movement. Jesus prayed that we – his followers – may all be one. When we pray with and for one another, we can feel God’s gift of unity.
Green Village - Go further, go together
A unique project in Geneva's international district