Convention baptiste du Nigéria
The Nigerian Baptist Convention grew out of the work of the Southern Baptist Convention (USA) in Nigeria which began in 1850. The formal organization started with the creation of the Yoruba Baptist Association in 1914, which later changed to become the Nigerian Baptist Convention when the missionary enterprise spread beyond the south-western region to other parts of Nigeria. The Convention accepts the Bible as authority for faith and practice, confesses the deity and lordship of Jesus Christ, and believes in salvation only by grace, through faith. It practises believers' baptism, church membership of believers and the priesthood of all believers. The local community of believers is autonomous and church government is congregational. The Convention seeks to fulfil the great commission through mission and evangelism. It is in favour of religious freedom, the separation of church and state, and voluntary cooperation between churches.
The Nigerian Baptist Convention is involved in spreading the faith and planting churches in Nigeria and beyond, in Africa, Europe and the United States of America. Theological education, liberal arts education and leadership development are part of the ongoing activities. The Convention has established a new university called Bowen University. It is also active in the campaign against the HIV/AIDS scourge, called Baptist Aids Awareness Prevention Programme, as well as in the poverty alleviation education programme.