Webinar on Churches’ ministry online
The webinar on Churches’ ministry online on April 29 will bring inspiration and knowledge to churches who want to develop their online ministry, discovering how we continue to pray and worship together in times of pandemic.
When public gatherings should be avoided and physical distancing is required for the sake of people’s health and lives, churches around the world need to continue their ministry, adapting to the new settings. How to continue being the Church when the Church has left its building? Webinar organized by WCC with cooperation of other ecumenical partner organizations will explore the new challenges and opportunities for churches, showcasing the good practices from the fellowship.
Speakers will include pastors and communication experts from around the world who will explore the new challenges and opportunities for churches, sharing the good practices of online ministry. Webinar will be livestreamed and will also offer time for questions from the audience. A video will be available for replay as well.
The webinar is organized by the World Council of Churches in partnership with the Lutheran World Federation, World Communion of Reformed Churches, Global Christian Forum, World Association for Christian Communication and European Christian Internet Conference.
When: 29 April, 15.00 CET
Where: livestreamed at www.oikoumene.org/live
Speakers and topics of the webinar:
Dr Heidi A. Campbell, Professor of Communication at Texas A&M University and Director of the Network of New Media, Religion and Digital Culture Studies: “The Distanced Church: Doing Church Online in a time of Pandemic”
Rev. Jonggoo Kim, the senior pastor of Seshin Methodist Church in Seoul, South Korea: “Online experience of churches during lock-down in Korea”
Rev. Ralf Peter Reimann, pastor and Internet Commissioner of the Evangelical Church in the Rhineland: “Achieving engagement and participation online: churches in Germany”
Rev. Dr. Nicolas Kazarian head of the ecumenical department of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America: “Orthodox perspective on the ministry of the Church online”
Ingeborg Dybvig, Communications Director Church of Norway: “On the way to interactive digital presence: experience of the Church of Norway”
The webinar will be moderated by Rev. Dr Mikie Roberts, WCC programme executive for Spiritual Life.