
Tools for You: Overcoming Gender-Based Violence Online

Join the World Council of Churches and the World Association for Christian Communication on 12 September for the launch of a toolkit and social media monitoring initiative to address tech-facilitated gender-based violence. 

types of abuse online: voyerurism, trolling, hacking, etc.

The toolkit is part of a joint initiative to build a global gender-focussed observatory of social media.

Piloted at a workshop for young leaders in December 2023, the initiative provides the skills to understand and challenge gender-biased media practices, ‘read’ media critically, raise gender-sensitivity and respond to harassment and abuse online. 

The toolkit enables community groups to monitor social media for misogyny and micro-aggressions which increasingly fuel online and offline violence, particularly targeting women in the public sphere. 

The World Council of Churches (WCC) and the World Association for Christian
Communication (WACC) are combining their networks and expertise to help make our
media landscape safe and just for women and girls – and for everyone.

Click here to register in advance