Press conference on programme of Pope Francis' Ecumenical Pilgrimage to WCC
The landmark visit of Pope Francis to the World Council of Churches on 21 June will be a centrepiece of the ecumenical commemoration of the WCC's 70th anniversary.
Ecumenical Pilgrimage
Walking, Praying and Working Together
Press Conference I: 15 May at 12:00 CET on the programme of the Pope’s visit with
Fr Andrzej Choromański, Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, Roman Catholic Church
Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, general secretary of the World Council of Churches
Rev. Dr Charles Morerod, Bishop of Lausanne, Geneva and Fribourg of the Roman Catholic Church
Moderator: Marianne Ejdersten, WCC director of communication
Press Conference II: 15 May at 1pm CET on security with
Lieutenant-Colonel François Waridel, head of operation of the Geneva Cantonal Police. Mr Waridel will lead the entire police operation during the visit of the Holy Father. He will be accompanied by Major Patrick Puhl, superintendent of the traffic police.
They will mainly talk about the following subjects:
Security measures
- Risk of disturbances in routes and highways in the Canton.
- Parking space for pilgrims
- Presentation of areas that will be closed or will have restricted circulation
- Police information line
- Social media
Ecumenical Centre, the main hall, Geneva, Switzerland