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Table talk

Central committee members are doing a lot of chatting around their tables at this meeting, and it is with the moderator's approval. Part of the WCC's new consensus method of doing business involves more small-group discussion before speakers come to the microphones. Rev. Gregor Henderson of the Uniting Church in Australia, who moderated the Wednesday morning session, also invited members to use this process to become better acquainted as the meetings began. "Part of being a Central Committee is building up our friendship," Henderson said, as well as increasing the knowledge of and trust in one another. The table groups were asked to discuss the experiences and hopes that they bring to this meeting, and one good thing currently happening in their respective churches. Later in the day, the same groups talked over issues and testimonies presented from the podium.

Moderator urges perseverance toward unity

Speaking during the Lenten season that builds to the central Christian hope of the risen Christ, World Council of Churches (WCC) moderator Rev. Dr Walter Altmann addressed the Central Committee on Wednesday 13 February with a renewed call to "visible unity" in the church.

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Among a series of recent ecumenical anniversaries--including the WCC's own 60th anniversary this year--is a significant milestone: 100 years of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, typically observed in mid-January. The Central Committee took some time to honor that centennial in Wednesday afternoon's session with a pair of testimonies. Rev. Canon Dr. John Saint Helier Gibaut, new director of the WCC's Commission on Faith and Order, noted that "peace and unity can never be separated from one another", while Ms. Hae-Sun Jung of the Korean Methodist Church shared plans for the Week's 2009 observance. Gibaut, a Canadian, said the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is the only contact many people in Canada have with the WCC. "It keeps the flame of the WCC alive in the hearts of people in my country", he said.

WCC welcomes two new member churches

Two church communions from opposite sides of the globe were welcomed into full fellowship of the World Council of Churches Wednesday, increasing the membership of the WCC to 349.

Finanzas del CMI mejoran

Las reservas generales superaron la meta establecida por el Comité Central y por vez primera superaron los fondos destinados a programas, según el informe financiero auditado de 2006.  Los resultados preliminares para 2007 muestran asimismo un superavit de 2,866.000 francos suizos.  "Esto representa un cambio positivo en la estructura de los fondos y reservas del Consejo", destacó Anders Gadegaard, moderador del Comité de Finanzas, ante la sesión plenaria del Comité Central reunido desde este miércoles 13 de febrero en Ginebra.  El Consejo ha reafirmado a sus iglesias miembros el compromiso de continuar practicando una cuidadosa mayordomía en la planificación y utilización de sus recursos, afirmó Gadegaard, que representa a la Iglesia Evangélica Luterana de Dinamarca en el Comité Central.

Moderador del CMI pide perseverancia en la búsqueda de la unidad

El movimiento ecuménico necesita de quienes tengan la entereza y la capacidad de perseverar, dijo el pastor Dr. Walter Altmann, en su presentación inaugural al Comité Central del Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI). Altmann afirmó el llamado a la unidad visible como el corazón del compromiso ecuménico.

Iglesias de Burundi y personalidades ecuménicas africanas se comprometen a estabilizar el país

En Burundi, donde las elecciones democráticas de 2005 permitieron abrigar esperanzas de paz y democracia, los recientes crímenes y violencias han hecho que las iglesias teman por la estabilidad de la nación. Una delegación ecuménica, presidida por el ex presidente de Mozambique, Joaquim Chissano, visitó el país de África central por invitación del Consejo Nacional de Iglesias de Burundi, del 28 al 31 de enero. Chissano se ha hecho acreedor del reconocimiento internacional por el exitoso programa de desarme realizado en Mozambique.

Churches in Burundi and African ecumenical notables engage to stabilize the country

In Burundi, where democratic elections in 2005 fostered hopes for peace and democracy, recent crime and violence has caused the churches there to fear for the nation's stability. An ecumenical delegation led by former Mozambique president, Joaquim Chissano, visited the central African country at the invitation of the National Council of Churches in Burundi, 28-31 January. Chissano has gained international recognition for a successful disarmament programme in Mozambique.

Kenyan churches to receive WCC solidarity visit

Churches working for peace amidst a wave of post electoral violence in Kenya will receive a pastoral and solidarity visit of an international ecumenical delegation sent by the World Council of Churches (WCC) from 30 January to 3 February.

WCC mourns the death of Greek Orthodox leader Archbishop Christodoulos

The news of the death of His Beatitude Christodoulos, Archbishop of Athens and all Greece, who died yesterday at his home in Psyhico (Athens) at the age of 69, was received with "deep sadness" by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and its general secretary Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia. In a condolence letter to the Church of Greece, which the late archbishop had led since 1998, Kobia paid tribute to "a gifted head of church, an Orthodox primate looking at the modern world in an interesting and challenging way, a church leader committed to walk the path of Christian unity with courage and vision, perseverance and patience, care and humility."

El CMI llora la muerte del líder ortodoxo griego, Arzobispo Christodoulos

La noticia del fallecimiento de Su Beatitud Christodoulos, Arzobispo de Atenas y de toda Grecia, que murió ayer en su hogar de Psyhico (Atenas) a la edad de 69 años, fue recibida con "profundo pesar" por el Consejo Mundial de Iglesias (CMI) y por su secretario general, Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia. En la carta de condolencia enviada a la Iglesia de Grecia, que el arzobispo fallecido dirigió desde 1998, Kobia rinde homenaje "a un virtuoso y carismático jefe de iglesia, a un primado ortodoxo que miraba al mundo moderno de una manera interesante y estimulante, a un dirigente eclesial comprometido en seguir el camino de la unidad cristiana con valentía y visión, con perseverancia y paciencia, con atención y humildad".