A Biblical Journey for Justice: Contextual Bible Studies
Fulata Lusungu Moyo
50 pages; A5 format; paperback; perfect binding; 4-colour cover
ISBN 978-2-8254-1638-9
Available: Summer 2014
Order: www.amazon.com, www.amazon.co.uk, www.ISBS.com, www.albanbooks.com and at local bookstores and online booksellers.
The vital Christian practice of reading the Bible is here liberated to speak directly to people in their concrete situations. Contextual Bible studies, a method developed over the last generation by women and men who wish to liberate the text from its colonial and historical misuse, allows readers to find themselves at intersection of their stories with the rich biblical legacy. WCC programme executive Fulata Lusungu Moyo has developed these six studies from years of communal reading with groups around the world with the aim of encountering our sacred texts while raising critical consciousness and commitment to gender justice.
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