Iglesia Reformada en Zambia
The Reformed Church in Zambia grew out of the mission work of the Dutch Reformed Church of the Orange Free State, South Africa. In due course ten major mission stations and numerous smaller centres of evangelization were established. African evangelists and teachers played a significant part in the expansion of the mission. In 1943 the church became a synod, and in 1966 it was granted autonomy. The church emphasizes evangelism among all the people of Zambia.
Since 1982 it has spread its work to the Eastern Province, the Luapula Province, the Northern, Central and North-western provinces. By the year 2000, the church had expanded to cover all parts of Zambia.
Justo Mwale Theological College which used to be a training college for only RCZ pastors has now become an international college. It trains pastors from different churches and from different countries. There are two conference centres, one used to be a lay training centre but has, since 2004, developed into a conference centre. The second one is the youth centre which has also developed into a conference centre. The church runs two hospitals, four secondary schools and eleven primary schools. It employs one part-time youth worker and has embarked on various development projects with the aim of becoming fully self-reliant. The following are departments of the church: education, diakonia, women, health which includes HIV/AIDS, finance, youth, communications, outreach, economics and training. The synod headquarters has moved from Katete, Eastern Province to the capital city Lusaka, in Central Province.
According to an agreement signed in 1966, the DRC still assists the church by providing personnel and funding for the theological college and funding work in mission areas (areas where RCZ has no established congregations). Global Ministries of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands (PCN) supports the theological college and the department of economics.