Iglesia Evangélica del Gabón
(Eglise évangélique du Gabon, EEG)
The Evangelical Church of Gabon has its origins in the work of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions which worked in the area from 1842 to 1870, and the Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the USA, from 1870 to 1913. From 1889 onwards, the Paris Missionary Society gradually took over the work until 1961 when the Evangelical Church of Gabon became autonomous. Unfortunately, beginning in 1970, the church suffered numerous divisions, which lasted until 1997 and had painful consequences for its mission and witness. Several attempts to settle the disputes were undertaken by different external partners, in particular the CEVAA, which played a leading role in the efforts to mediate between the parties in conflict. In 1997 the two main factions met as one synod and elected a joint leadership. In April 2005 all the various dissident groups met at a large gathering and accepted the reunification of 1997. This happened without any outside intervention. It was the result of the will of the Gabonese pastors themselves to put an end to their disputes and divisions, and was perceived by all as a sign of God's grace and power. The Evangelical Church of Gabon is one again, and is at work to consolidate its unity and to respond to its missionary calling in the country and beyond. Since 2002, the church has extended its apostolic action to the south of Gabon and is present in all nine provinces of the country.
The Evangelical Church of Gabon, faithful to the principles of faith and freedom which are its foundation, and in communion with all other Christian churches, affirms the Christian faith as expressed in the Apostles' and Ecumenical Creeds and in the confessions of the Reformation, in particular the Confession of La Rochelle. It believes in the authority of the holy scriptures as the rule of faith and life.
Current activities and priorities of the church include its expansion to cover the whole national territory, administrative, financial and juridical reforms, the formation of church workers (pastors, evangelists, catechists), and the continuation of its educational work. The EEG cares for almost 25 percent of all primary school education in Gabon, and runs seven secondary schools and a teacher training college. It has as a theological school for the training of its pastors, which also provides theological formation for lay people and is involved in theological reflection and animation. Since 2004 women can be ordained for the ministry. There is currently one woman pastor. Youth and women movements are very active.