Iglesia Protestante Africana
(Eglise protestante africaine, EPA)
The church had its beginnings in the work of the American Presbyterian Mission. For the sake of the defence of the local language, Kwassio, it organized itself as an independent group in 1934. After several changes in the name, the designation African Protestant Church was adopted. As a church that has its roots in the tradition of the Reformation, the EPA confesses Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord of the universe. It has developed a theology and a teaching focused on the biblical theme of abundant life for all (John 10:10) and is therefore strongly involved in development activities and the struggle against poverty. The laity play an important role in the church, and much attention is given to the participation of all the members. Originally concentrated in the region of Lolodorf, the church has spread to other parts of the country. It has a training institute called School of Theology Abraham Nzie Nzouango. The EPA has no historic relations with churches outside Cameroon. It benefits from the cooperation with sister churches in the country, e.g. for the training of its ministers.