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Letter from the Latin American Council of Churches (CLAI) -
World Council of Churches (CMI)

Buenos Aires, April 30, 2003 

In him was life,
and that life was the light of humanity.
The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness has not overcome it.
Gospel according to John 1:5

To the Churches of the United States, Canada and Europe

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Peace and goodwill!

As delegates and representatives of Latin American and Caribbean Churches we met in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina from April 28 - May 1. Convened by the Latin American Council of Churches (CLAI) and the World Council of Churches (WCC), we have reflected together on the enormous challenges raised by a globalisation that has sparked more conflict than solutions. With the help of experts and encouraged by profound and motivating liturgical celebrations, we studied the challenges that the issue of wealth and poverty, the enormous and fraudulent indebtment of our economies and the expectations sparked by economic cooperation agreements raise for our faith and pastoral work.

As we shared with our brothers and sisters who come from your countries and who accompanied us throughout the event, we became aware of your commitment to peace and justice. This commitment was particularly notable in the clear position that the majority of you recently adopted regarding the invasion of Iraq on the part of allied military forces. This act brings us together in the search for a globalisation inspired by the dream of solidarity among our peoples and promoted and aspired by our Churches, rather than by the strength of the fragmentation and idolatry that current globalising efforts impose on weak and impoverished peoples through the militarization of social, political and economic conflicts of our time.

We wish to express our recognition of your decisive and clear testimony in favour of life. We join our voices in the search to globalise the fullness of life that was promised by our Lord Jesus Christ and announced in his resurrection that together and with particular intensity, we celebrate these weeks.

Soli gloria Deo!