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World Council of Churches
Bossey, Switzerland
13-18 November 2015
Doc. No. 35

God has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8

On Friday 13 November, the people of Paris again confronted terror, violence and death, following attacks that left more than 120 people dead and hundreds more injured. Today our hearts and minds are with the victims, their families and friends, with all those who mourn, and with all the people of France. We are with them in deep compassion and prayer.  We pray that they may be comforted, by the love and care they have received from those who have now brutally been taken away, and by the support and solidarity of others, of their families and of their neighbours – whoever or wherever they may be.

The people of Lebanon faced the same violence and sorrow a few days ago, adding to the tragically long list of countries and people affected by such attacks.

Together as one humanity, as people of every faith and none, we should show that our shared respect for human life and dignity is stronger than this evil act of terror, this perversion of religion. As representatives of churches from across the whole world, we the executive committee of the World Council of Churches meeting at this time in Bogis-Bossey, Switzerland, pray and trust that God, the creator and the source of all life, will comfort, console and protect those affected by these attacks and all those who suffer and fear. We hope and pray that they will receive and be assured by these signs that they are not alone.

In the face of this brutality, the human family, all people of faith and of good will, must stand together to recommit to respecting and caring for one another, to protecting one another, and to preventing such violence.  We cannot and do not accept that such a terrorist atrocity can ever be justified in the name of God or of any religion. Violence in the name of religion is violence against religion. We condemn, reject and denounce it. Let us confront it by holding firm to and upholding the democratic, intercultural and human rights values that this terrorism seeks to attack. Let us not allow these events to diminish our care and hospitality to those fleeing violence and oppression. Let us continue to strive to do what we know is required of us: to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with our God on the way of justice and peace.