
1. One of the primary tasks of each Assembly of the World Council of Churches is to review the work and activities of the Council since its last Assembly and to set directions and priorities for the Council's programme in the future. 

2. The Programme Guidelines Committee (PGC) of this Assembly has taken its tasks seriously, using as a starting point the report From Harare to Porto Alegre, the Pre-Assembly Programme Evaluation and Recommendations from the 2005 Central Committee, and a background paper, entitled "A Changing World," prepared by WCC staff. Each of the PGC members also attended an Ecumenical Conversation to listen to Assembly delegates about future WCC priorities. Finally, the PGC shared in dialogue and reflection on the reports of the Moderator, the General Secretary, the thematic plenaries, hearing sessions, and many suggestions and ideas coming from Mutirao participants and constituency groups seeking to discern the mind of the Assembly and the call of God related to the unique role of the WCC within the ecumenical movement.

3. In presenting this Report, the PGC has been aware that the work of the Policy Reference Committee has reviewed, and will address, several important programme initiatives since the Harare Assembly related to strengthening and deepening relationships among the member churches (e.g., the Special Commission on Orthodox Participation in the WCC), with ecumenical partners, and with other Christian churches (e.g., the Joint Working Group with the Roman Catholic Church, the Joint Consultative Group with Pentecostals, etc.). 

4. While the wealth of the input gathered by the PGC cannot be included in our Report to the Assembly, substantive documentation - including the reports from the 22 Ecumenical Conversations; the statements coming from constituency groups (youth, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, and women); the various proposals on specific issues from Mutirao workshops - will be referred to future governing bodies of the WCC in the important work of developing specific future programmes for the WCC. That documentation will inform them in their task of translating the broad policy directions included in this Report into programme.

5. The PGC recommends that the report From Harare to Porto Alegre and the "Pre-Assembly Evaluation and Recommendations from the 2005 Central Committee" be received with appreciation by the 9th Assembly of the WCC.

The Context of Our Work

6. The Porto Alegre Assembly has taken place against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world. It is upon this stage, even as the drama of changing contexts unfolds, that the churches are called to fulfill their mission and calling. Changes are taking place on every front, and all are related: the changing ecclesial and ecumenical contexts (including church geography, statistics, and secularisation), as well as the changing political, economic and social contexts (including growing inequalities, environmental destruction, violence and terror). These changes present immense challenges to the churches and to the WCC that call for courageous visions of hope and greater commitment to make visible God's gift of unity and reconciliation in Christ before our divided churches, societies, and world. We were greatly encouraged how our Latin American hosts presented their history of struggle and hope in responding to the challenges their continent is facing. 

7. We have been reminded that, "A divided church cannot have a credible witness in a broken world; it cannot stand against the disintegrating and disorienting forces of globalization and enter into meaningful dialogue with the world." (Moderator's Report, Para 17). We turn to God and pray, "God, in your grace, transform our lives, our churches, our nations and world." All programmes and activities of the WCC are thus to be responsive to this changing context in seeking to be a faithful expression of God's justice, peace, care for creation, healing, reconciliation and salvation: the "fullness" of life for all.

Our Vision and Our Goals

8. In its discussion and work at this first WCC Assembly in the 21st century, the PGC reaffirmed the stated purpose and functions of the WCC (as expressed in the Constitution, para. III.) as the basis for its work: "The primary purpose of the fellowship of churches in the World Council of Churches is to call one another to visible unity in one faith and one eucharistic fellowship, expressed in worship and common life in Christ, through witness and service to the world, and to advance towards that unity in order that the world may believe." In addition, that paragraph affirms as goals of the Council that it will:

  • promote the prayerful search for forgiveness and reconciliation in a spirit of mutual accountability, the development of deeper relationships through theological dialogue and the sharing of human, spiritual and material resources with one another;
  • facilitate common witness; express their commitment to diakonia in serving human need;
  • nurture the growth of an ecumenical consciousness; assist each other in relationships to and with people of other faiths; and,
  • foster renewal and growth through unity, worship, mission and service.  

9. These purposes and functions demonstrate the breadth of the vision of the WCC, and provide a foundation for the programmatic work of the Council. 

10. The PGC recommends that the 9th Assembly re-affirm the document "Towards a Common Understanding and Vision of the WCC" (referred to in From Harare to Porto Alegre, pp. 175-181) as an expression of the vision of the WCC as a fellowship of churches and as a servant of the one ecumenical movement. However, the PGC believes ways need to be found to make the content of the CUV document more accessible and understandable in order to facilitate greater ownership by the churches and by the ecumenical movement at large. 

Guiding Principles and Methodological Recommendations

11. Building upon the very helpful material and recommendations in the "Programme Evaluation Report from the 2005 Central Committee" (referred to in From Harare to Porto Alegre, pp.203-216), and receiving a strong and sobering recommendation from the Finance Committee of this Assembly related to the anticipated financial situation of the WCC in the coming years, the PGC identified seven basic principles to guide the WCC in setting its programme priorities in the future:

  • to keep its focus upon what the WCC uniquely might do as a global fellowship of churches in providing leadership to the whole of the ecumenical movement;
  • to do less, to do it well, in an integrated, collaborative and interactive approach;
  • to lift up its central task of the churches calling one another to visible unity;
  • to keep in tension the work of dialogue and advocacy, of building relationships and promoting social witness among churches and with different sectors in society;
  • to foster greater ownership and participation by the churches;
  • to bring a prophetic voice and witness to the world in addressing the urgent and turbulent issues of our times in a focused way;
  • to communicate WCC activities to the churches and the world in a timely and imaginative way. 

12. The PGC also identified several methodological elements in defining how future WCC life and work would be carried out, including:

  • articulating a clear theological basis for all of its work;
  • developing a comprehensive planning, monitoring and evaluation process that will include a clear time-line and goals;
  • designing a strategy for communication, engagement and ownership by the churches;
  • facilitating the co-ordinating role of the WCC in seeking partnerships and networking with other ecumenical organizations, including Christian World Communions, REOs, NCCs, Specialised Ministries, faith-based organizations, and NGOs (as appropriate) - with the hope that many of these programmes can be implemented in collaborative ways of working;
  • encouraging capacity building of member churches and ecumenical partners.  

13. The PGC recommends that the 9th WCC Assembly endorse these guiding principles and methodological elements as the basis for establishing its future programme priorities.

Major Areas of Engagement 

14. In light of the changing context, the vision and purpose of the WCC, and the guiding principles and methodological elements, the PGC offers four major interactive "areas of engagement" for shaping the future life and work of the Council. Each of these emphases is already reflected in the current programmes of the WCC. What is being proposed here is that there be greater integration among the current programmes and standing Commissions (Faith and Order, Mission and Evangelism, International Affairs), while exploring greater collaboration with current ecumenical partners and specialized ministries in development of these emphases in the future. 

15. Three additional words of introduction to these areas of engagement:

  • The PGC strongly endorses promoting leadership development of youth in the life of the WCC, including the full participation of youth in all future programmes of the WCC. Their voices, concerns and presence must be brought more directly into the decision-making and leadership of the future work and governance of the Council.
  • The PGC continues to affirm and celebrate the role and contributions of women in all areas and arenas in the life of the WCC, and endorses the continued participation of women in the whole of the WCC.
  • The PGC urges that the WCC seek the full inclusion of Indigenous Peoples and Dalits, marginalised people, people of African descent, and persons with disabilities.  


Unity, Spirituality and Mission

16. Seeking unity and engaging in common mission and evangelism have been foundational elements in the ecumenical movement. New understandings of both unity and mission have continued to develop in the life of the WCC as member churches have engaged each other in responding to their growing relationships and expanding encounter with the diversity of theologies, ecclesiologies, and traditions. 

17. The Harare Assembly spoke of strengthening "an ecumenism of the heart." Here at Porto Alegre, the need of the WCC and its member churches to focus upon the nature of Christian spirituality and the work of the Holy Spirit in the church and the world has become ever more urgent and obvious, both for the integrity of our work for visible unity and in our mission to the world. In the coming period, it is proposed that comprehensive attention be given to unity, spirituality, and mission, both theologically and practically. Such focus will deepen the fellowship of the WCC churches and broaden that fellowship to the vast and growing numbers of churches and movements that presently have no relationship with ecumenical bodies. 

Ecumenical Formation

18. One of the issues that challenge the whole of the ecumenical movement today is that of ecumenical formation. As said by the General Secretary in his report to this Assembly, "If contemporary Christians, including the church leadership, are to participate creatively and responsibly in the search for unity, and grow together, appropriate means of ecumenical formation must be offered to enable better, richer contributions to our common life." This is especially true for the students, young adults, and women in our churches as they increasingly take on leadership of the ecumenical movement for the 21st century. 

19. The Ecumenical Institute at Bossey of the WCC was highlighted as a model for ecumenical formation, especially in its efforts in recent years expanding its programme to include evangelicals and Pentecostals in its courses and seminars, as well as reaching out to provide greater inter-religious encounter. Providing a platform for churches and ecumenical partners working on challenges of science and technology to faith in cooperation with other parts of the WCC could be another opportunity. These trends are suggestive of the way forward, and a cause of hope. 

20. Ecumenical formation also includes the role of the WCC in creating "safe spaces" for cross-cultural and cross-theological encounter for people to engage in honest encounter around issues that divide our churches and our communities, in particular, to continue the dialogue on issues related to human sexuality. In this role, the WCC should facilitate and initiate dialogue and "diapraxis" between religion and politics on the role of the church in civil society and between religions in areas of mutual understanding.

Global Justice 

21. Throughout this Assembly there has been the urgent call to work together in the ecumenical movement for a dynamic, global understanding of justice that responds to those who suffer the consequences of injustice and racism that split the world along lines of wealth and poverty, and that integrates the care of creation, the challenges of science and technology to faith, the transformation of unjust economic and social structures, the church's response to the deadly threat of HIV AIDS, and includes a clear voice in advocacy and prophetic diakonia. (The PGC notes that diakonia is understood not only to include service to the poor and marginalised, but also as an inseparable part of Christian identity.) Such work will require the WCC and its member churches "to re-direct its programmes toward more intentionally building truly inclusive and just communities which safeguard diversity, where different identities and unity interact, and where the rights and obligations of all are fully respected in love and fellowship" (Report of General Secretary, p. 14).

22. In the coming years the PGC recommends that a follow-up of the AGAPE process be undertaken and expanded to engage a wider on-going dialogue between religion and politics, the work of theological reflection and solid political, economic and social analysis, and sharing practical, positive approaches from the churches. 

Ethical Voice and Prophetic Witness to the World

23. In fulfilling its historic responsibility on behalf of its member churches, the WCC is challenged to be a strong, credible, ethical voice as it offers a prophetic witness to the world. This voice and witness must be spirituality and theologically grounded if the churches are to be distinguished and distinguishable from the many competing voices in the world. Churches have a contribution to make to strengthen co-operative internationalism and the international rule of law in dealing with human rights, militarism and the peaceful resolution of conflicts. At this Assembly the urgent need for churches to engage in inter-religious cooperation and dialogue was strongly affirmed.

24. This Assembly marked the mid-term of the initiative launched at the Harare Assembly on the Decade to Overcome Violence. For the second half of the decade, the PGC affirmed that the style of networking local and regional initiatives in peace-making should increasingly shape the WCC's programmatic life and work. 

25. The PGC recommends that the regional foci be continued; that more sharing of successful examples be developed to encourage churches and local congregations to respond to overcoming violence in their own contexts; that a process of wide consultation be undertaken towards developing an ecumenical declaration on "just peace"; and finally, that the conclusion of the DOV in 2010 be marked by major and significant initiatives. 

26. The PGC recommends that the 9th Assembly affirm these four areas of engagement in shaping the WCC's future life and work.

Post-Assembly Planning

27. The period between the Assembly and the 2006 Central Committee meeting will be a time of intensive reflection led by the WCC leadership in consultation with churches and key ecumenical partners to receive the policy guidance from the Assembly and shape its programmatic work.

28. In looking to its task of shaping future programmes for the WCC, the PGC recommends the following process to be approved by the 9th Assembly: 

  • a small working group made up of the leadership of the Assembly's Programme Guidelines Committee, Policy Reference Committee, and Finance Committee be asked to accompany the WCC leadership in developing future programme recommendations;
  • clear, well-functioning planning, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms be established for each programme;
  • a clear distinction be made between issues that are of long-term nature, time-bound, or specifically urgent;
  • a two-way communication strategy be developed for each programme and carried out with the various constituencies;
  • clear exit strategies be established in phasing out, reconfiguring, or reshaping programmes taking into account both the limited human and financial resources of the WCC and also the possibilities to co-operate and share responsibility with other ecumenical partners. 

29. The PGC recommends that the WCC claim a clearer and stronger public profile in its witness to the world. To that effect, it is hoped that the WCC will focus its energy and attention on a limited number of issues that cry out for response by the churches together. HIVAIDS (including the ecclesiological implications of this pandemic in most parts of our world).