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On 23 March, Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit, general secretary of the World Council of Churches (WCC), expressed his concern about the current social and political turmoil in Brazil, calling upon Christian churches and all sectors of Brazilian society “to uphold democratic principles, to respect fundamental human rights, and to ensure freedom of expression and opinion for all”.

Tveit stressed the need to “respect human dignity and the rule of law to prevent incitement to violence through hate speech”.

He also stated that, “it is important that cases of suspected corruption be fully investigated, respecting the constitutional rights of the persons under investigation and that the Brazilian society and political actors prevent incitement to violence and overcome the increasing polarization and radicalization”.

The WCC has had strong involvement in addressing human rights and democracy issues in Brazil. Tveit added “how significant the future democratic stability in Brazil is for all the groups of citizens in the country but also in the whole of the Latin American region”.

Tveit also urged churches in Brazil “to pray for the country, to promote respect for the rule of the law and to be ambassadors of reconciliation in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ."

Church leaders to embark on a pilgrimage of justice and peace to Latin America (WCC press release of 21 August 2015)

WCC member churches in Brazil