Archbishop Dr Nifon of Targoviste, Moderator of the public issues committee

Archbishop Dr Nifon of Targoviste, Moderator of the public issues committee

Public statements on situations or concerns with which the WCC or member churches are confronted are one way in which the Council responds to critical issues on the international agenda.

Statements are usually made on areas with which the WCC has had direct involvement and longstanding commitment or emerging issues of international concern to which the attention of the churches needs to be called for action.

Seven issues so far identified as requiring public actions by the 2006 Central Committee meeting are just trade, HIV and AIDS, situations in Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Lebanon, Kosovo, and the plight of children in conflicts, with a focus on northern Uganda.

Committee members are also working on changing the organizational structure of the WCC and integrating its consultative bodies.

The finance committee is discussing financial implications of programme plans and project details, and the programme committee is considering recommendations, taking into consideration the Assembly's call for an integrated and interactive approach to programmes and relationships and reports from the moderator and general secretary.

Also on the agenda are the Assembly's proposal to create a representative body of young adults to coordinate the various roles of young adults connected to the WCC, and a commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the World Conference on Church and Society, Geneva 1966.