Complementary Certificate (CC) in Ecumenical Studies
Intended for students having completed a university Bachelor's degree certificate in Christian theology, or in a closely related discipline. The programme is accredited by the University of Geneva with 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and accumulation System) credits to be achieved during one semester (mid-September - end of January) according to the study modules described.
Obligatory modules:
- Core Course on the History of the Ecumenical Movement (6 ECTS credits)
The core course offers an overview of the genesis, development and institutionalisation of modern ecumenism, as well as an introduction to selected contemporary themes and challenges in relation to a globalised world and a changed ecclesial and religious landscape. The core course is conducted in form of plenary lectures and requires regular participation and a successful final oral exam.
- Workshop on Intercultural Biblical Studies (3 ECTS credits)
The workshop gives an opportunity to deepen exegetical competencies, an introduction to the plurality of Biblical contextual interpretation paradigms and an evaluation of their ecumenical relevance. The workshop requires regular participation and fulfillment of possible task assignments.
- Workshop on Practical Ecumenical Theology (3 ECTS credits)
The workshop provides a reflected experience on the historical-cultural modes of theological transmission, and more specifically on their (liturgical) communication and consideration of the ecumenical dimensions of translating theology practically. The workshop requires regular participation and fulfillment of possible task assignments.
- Ecumenical Study Visits (2 ECTS credits)
During the ecumenical study visits, students will have an opportunity to gain reflected practical insights and overviews on the way of practice, organization and spiritual life of the work of different ecumenical actors, particularly those of different Christian confessional traditions. The following visits are usually planned: the Orthodox Centre of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Chambésy, Switzerland, the Vatican and Rome, Italy, the Taizé Community, France, and local parishes of the Reformed Protestant Church in Switzerland. The study visits require full participation and the submission of reports.
Modules of choice (two):
- Ecumenical Biblical Hermeneutics (8 ECTS credits)
The module offers an intensive introduction and study of exegetical methods in relation to the biblical literature, as well as an initiation to biblical research with regard to the vision of reconciliation and human unity in general and of the Christian churches in particular.
- Ecumenical Missiology (8 ECTS credits)
The module provides an intensive introduction and study of areas common to missiology (theology of mission), ecumenical theology or theology of religions.
- Ecumenical Social Ethics (8 ECTS credits)
The module offers an intensive introduction and study of areas common to ecumenical theology, systematic theology and social science of religions, which pertain to the challenges arising from the complexity and plurality of globalised societies, as well as the exploration of ecumenical ethical responses.
- Ecumenical Theology (8 ECTS credits)
The module provides an intensive introduction and study of areas of ecumenical theological research on the search for ecclesial communion as the focal point of ecumenism.
Applicants to this study programme may also apply to the course English as a Tool for Ecumenical Formation: Intensive English Summer Course