ÖRK Jahresbrückblick 2023
Für Gerechtigkeit, Versöhnung und Einheit
Specs: 60 pages; 21 cm x 21 cm; PDF and paper; perfect; 4-colour
Rights: World, all languages
Available in English, German, French, and Spanish.
In the foreword, Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay writes, “I wish to celebrate the steps we took toward a world that is more just, reconciled, and unified—but also to reflect on the grave challenges still facing us and, most of all, why hope is always warranted.”
The year is reviewed under the headings:
- Message from the General Secretary
- Pilgrims on the Way Fellowship. Solidarity. Community.
- Witnessing. Transforming. Discipling.
- Working for Peace. Expressing Solidarity. Praying Together.
- Nurturing Spirituality. Allowing Reflection. Seeking Formation.
- Communicating Prophetically
- Financial Report