Called to Transforming Discipleship

Called to Transforming Discipleship

Devotions from the World Council of Churches Conference on World Mission and Evangelism.
Edited by:
Risto Jukko
Jooseop Keum
(Kay) Kyeong-Ah Woo

Bible studies and devotions from the 2018 World Conference on Mission and Evangelism (CWME)

Spec: 92 pp; paper; perfect;  4-colour cover


Print ISBN: 978-2-8254-1723-2

Ebook ISBN 978-2-8254-1722-5

Shelving: Religion/Missiology

Readers: Theologians, missiologists, students, mission societies, clergy

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Embrace and implement “The Arusha Call to Discipleship”

This set of four Bible studies and 12 devotions from the 2018 World Conference on Mission and Evangelism (CWME) has two primary goals:

  • To embrace and implement “The Arusha Call to Discipleship” in our own contexts; and
  • To provide “The Arusha Call to Discipleship” and related materials in a mission- and evangelism-themed congregational resource to church groups, mission groups, mission organiza- tions, ecumenical mission partners, and individuals.

The guide is divided into four sections:

  • An introduction from the moderator of the commission that sponsored the conference
  • Four Bible studies delivered during the Arusha conference
  • The text of the Call itself and an explanatory document (the “Accompanying Letter”)
  • 12 devotions based on “The Arusha Call to Discipleship.”