Press centre

WCC News & Press releases

For a list of all WCC press releases, news and features, please see News. If you sign up for WCC press releases as a journalist, you will also automatically receive our latest media advisories (see below).

WCC Photos

WCC photos in high resolution: March 2018 onwards / Photos before March 2018

The WCC photos can be published free of charge to illustrate articles about the WCC or the ecumenical movement in general, provided that credit is given for each photo with the name of the photographer followed by the organization. (e.g. Photo: photographer's name/WCC)

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Media contact:

Marianne Ejdersten,

WCC Communication director

Email: [email protected]

+41 79 507 6363

+41 22  791 6018

WCC: +41 22 791 61 11

WCC Communication Department: 

+41 22 791 61 11

Email: [email protected]

WCC Visitors programme: 

+41 22 791 6010

Media advisories

Press releases

Regarding false media reporting on Israel and Dr Pillay

Since the election in mid-June of Rev. Dr Prof. Jerry Pillay as new World Council of Churches (WCC) general secretary, concerns have been raised, predominantly in Jewish media, about his position on Israel and the Jewish communities and their faith.

WCC central committee statement on war in Ukraine: “war, with the killing and all the other miserable consequences it entails, is incompatible with God’s very nature”

Deploring the illegal and unjustifiable war inflicted on the people and sovereign state of Ukraine” the World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee lamented the awful and continuing toll of deaths, destruction and displacement, of destroyed relationships and ever more deeply entrenched antagonism between the people of the region, of escalating confrontation globally, of increased famine risk in food insecure regions of the world, of economic hardship and heightened social and political instability in many countries.”

WCC central committee statement on sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment calls churches to challenge injustice, build awareness

The World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee, in a public statement, called upon WCC member churches and ecumenical partners to condemn or reiterate their condemnation of sexual and gender-based violence and of any form of violence against women, children and vulnerable people; to declare such rejection of the equal dignity of all people and such violence a sin; and to implement guidelines for the prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment.”