young people taking a selfie

The following text is part of a series exploring the topic of digital justice. The full series is being published in the days leading up to the International Symposium for Communication for Social Justice in the Digital Age which will be held 13-15 September. These interviews are intended to offer intergenerational—and honest—views of how we are living in a digital world, if churches are helping us, and how we can work together to define and pursue digital justice.  

The values I get are from all the experiences I've been through, but more than that from the people who've been a part of this fabulous adventure called life." Above all, I will continue to rise and fly high like a Phoenix even when I am at my lowest.

My purpose is not defined by my titles and achievements. It's humbling to have reached so far in my bigger goal, which is very important to me. It is a bigger vision and purpose I want to achieve, to make this world a better place. I will continue.

For me, digital justice is, first of all, respecting the values of others without changing their culture and spirit. And every action we do has its positive and negative side. Digital justice is there to balance these grounds.

For the moment, the relationship of the church with digitisation is quite good but we can always do better because we are in a fast-moving world and the church has to adapt.

young speaker

Upholding human rights could mean respecting peoples privacy a bit more. Today we are watched by robots that are programmed and, if we are not careful, the future generation will suffer a lot.

The balance is in our hands. For example, young people are very active nowadays because, via the internet, they can access information, support causes and help change things in their country in a short time. It is, at the same time, taking control and giving freedom.

Yet I like to say, Stop making stupid people famous!” Unfortunately, today people throw false information, bullying statements and inflammatory rhetoric into the digital public space.

For me, education is very important and today digitisation gives us a lot of opportunities. But the content should be adapted to everyone. For example, my project, Coffee with Peacemakers, is about education for peace, unity and brotherhood. But not many people are interested in this kind of content!

I will continue because I believe one person's hope can change the world.

Today we see young people walking around like robots with their eyes fixed on their mobile phones. When you know that's not the only thing in life, it's sad. It even affects our families, our brothers and sisters, the big ones and the small ones. Hours and hours wasted on social networks without any use.

The church must invest more in the digital world to avoid all these problems while being guided by the Holy Spirit.

I always try to see the positive side of things, but I'm not very sure about the digital world. I hope there will be a miracle that can change our lives today.

Communication for Social Justice in a Digital Age

About the author :

Azeez Sadeq is a 25-year-old student and motivational speaker. He had to flee Iraq when he was 18. A volunteer with several organizations, including the UN Refugee Agency, he also created the Coffee with Peacemakers project.


The impressions expressed in the blog posts are the contributions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or policies of the World Council of Churches.