WCC Central Committee
The Central Committee is elected by the Assembly from among its delegates and serves as the chief governing body of the WCC until the next assembly, meeting every 2 years. It is responsible for carrying out the policies adopted by the Assembly, reviewing and supervising WCC programmes and the budget of the Council. The Assembly elects the presidents of the WCC, who serve as members of the Central Committee. The Executive Committee (including the leadership of the WCC Central Committee) is elected by the Central Committee and normally meets twice a year. The general secretary serves ex officio as secretary of the Central and Executive Committees.
The World Council of Churches central committee meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, 21-27 June 2023
2022 meeting
The World Council of Churches central committee meeting via video conference on 9-15 February 2022.
Central Committee 2022 landing page
2021 meeting
The World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee convenes via video conference from 23-29 June to prepare for the 11th WCC Assembly, taking place in 2022 in Karlsruhe, Germany. The WCC governing body will also address business matters and strengthen the WCC fellowship through sharing and prayer.
Central Committee 2021 landing page
2018 meeting
Central Committee meeting of the World Council of Churches took place on 15 - 21 June 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland. The 2018 Central Committee meeting is a focal point of the 70th anniversary celebrations of the World Council of Churches, which are taking place throughout the year all over the world.
2016 meeting
At the invitation of the Church of Norway, the 22- 28 June meeting takes place in Trondheim, an important Christian pilgrimage site, which is home to the northernmost medieval cathedral in the world.
2014 meeting
A new Central Committee was elected by the WCC 10th Assembly from among its delegates in November 2013. At its first full meeting, from 2 to 8 July 2014, the committee reviewed WCC programme planning for 2014-2017. The theme of the meeting was “Pilgrimage of Justice and Peace”, reflecting the final message of the 10th Assembly which said, “We intend to move together. Challenged by our experiences in Busan, we challenge all people of good will to engage their God-given gifts in transforming actions. This Assembly calls you to join us in pilgrimage.”
Central Committee 2014 landing page
2012 meeting
From 28 August to 5 September 2012, the WCC Central Committee met for the last time before the WCC 10th Assembly in 2013. The meeting took place at the Orthodox Academy of Crete in Kolympari, Greece, at the invitation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.
2011 meeting
During its 16 to 22 February 2011 meeting at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva, Switzerland, the Central Committee decided on the theme of the next WCC assembly: “God of life, lead us to justice and peace”. The 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches, which will take place in Busan, South Korea, in 2013, is expected to "gather all churches and offer expanded space to partner ecumenical organizations".
2009 meeting
During its meeting at the Ecumenical Centre in Geneva, Switzerland, from 26 August to 2 September 2009, the Central Committee has elected Rev. Dr Olav Fykse Tveit to succeed Rev. Dr Samuel Kobia as general secretary of the World Council of Churches. The Central Committee also decided on the venue and shape of the next WCC assembly.
2008 meeting
At its 13-20 February 2008 meeting in Geneva, the WCC Central Committee chose the venue for the 2011 International Ecumenical Peace Convocation, achieved progress towards a broader WCC assembly, welcomed new member churches, appointed a search committee for a new general secretary and celebrated the Council's 60th anniversary. The WCC main governing body also put its stamp on a number of public statements, policy concerns and programme plans.
2006 meeting
The Central Committee meeting 2006 (Geneva, 30 August - 6 September 2006) was the first meeting of the new committee, elected in February 2006 at the 9th Assembly in Porto Alegre, Brazil. It decided on programme plans and a renewed organizational structure, and appointed a series of advisory bodies.