Rev. Dr Rufus Okikiola Ositelu

7 September 2022, Karlsruhe, Germany: Rev. Dr Rufus Okikiola Ositelu, World Council of Churches president for Africa.
Most Rev. Dr Rufus Okikiola OSITELU, The Church of the Lord (Prayer Fellowship) Worldwide
His Eminence, the Most Reverend Dr. Rufus Okikiolaolu Olubiyi OSITELU (Ph.D. Comp. Sc.; Ph.D. Religion) is the Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Arch-Province of Nigeria, and the incumbent and the Fourth Primate of The Church of the Lord (Prayer Fellowship) Worldwide.
Educated in Germany, the United States of America, and the United Kingdom, Most Rev. Dr. Ositelu holds combined Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Computer Science from the Department of Engineering of the Western-Kennedy University, Agoura-Hills. He undertook the Pastoral Studies course with the University of Hagen in Germany, and, in 1993, he founded the first branch of The Church of the Lord (Aladura) Worldwide in Germany and was ordained. He undertook theological studies at Covington Theological Seminary, Rossville, USA, earning a B.Th and PhD in religion.
Most Rev. Dr. Ositelu is a prolific writer, the author of “African Indigenous Churches”, first published in 1984, as well as “African Instituted Churches – Growth, Spirituality and Ecumenical Understanding of African Initiated Churches”, which was published and launched in 2002 and many other publications related to church and science.
He was the first elected African Vice President of the Hessen State Executive Council of the
“Landesbeirat”, of the State Elected Foreigners Parliament also in Germany, as well as the first President of the Nigerian German Association (NGA).
Most Rev. Dr. Ositelu is the first WCC president from an African Instituted Church.