Brother Alois and Brother Matthew

Brother Alois (on the right) handed over his office of “servant of communion” in the Taizé Community to Brother Matthew, new Prior of Taizé (on the left) on Saturday, 2 December 2023.


Brother Aloiss remarkable leadership over the years has been an inspiration, embodying the principles of Taizé and fostering unity within the global Christian community,” wrote Pillay. His decision to initiate this transition underscores the wisdom and discernment that have been hallmarks of his leadership.”

Pillay expressed support and solidarity during the transition. Brother Aloiss legacy will undoubtedly be felt in the continued growth and spiritual enrichment of the community under your guidance,” wrote Pillay. We are confident that, under your leadership, the Taizé Community will thrive as a place of worship, reflection, and dialogue, embodying the principles that have made it a significant presence in the ecumenical landscape.”

The change of priorship took place on 2 December, We extend our prayers for a smooth transition and the blessings of wisdom and discernment as you assume this important responsibility,” wrote Pillay.

WCC letter of congratulations to Brother Matthew, the new prior of the Taize Community