Solar energy project in Tanzania. © Sean Hawkey/ACT

2012 prayers energy

1 September to 4 October is Time for Creation. As 2012 was the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All, the WCC especially encouraged organizing prayers around this theme.

1 September to 4 October is Time for Creation. As 2012 was the International Year of Sustainable Energy for All, the WCC especially encouraged organizing prayers around this theme.

Prayers of intercession

Creator God, you have generously blessed us with an abundance of gifts in this, your world.  Help us to share in that generosity by living in a way that ensures that your gifts will continue to be available for future generations.

O God, give us your love for the whole of Creation

Creator God, we rejoice that, as human beings, we have been created in your image and likeness. But we also recognise that humanity alone cannot adequately reflect you. The whole diversity of the earth is needed to give us even a glimpse of your wonder and greatness. Help us to live in a sustainable way so that this marvellous diversity is respected.

O God, give us your love for the whole of Creation

Creator God, we live in a world where some of us throw out food while others go to bed hungry; where some have the modern amenities of life at their disposal and others struggle to find drinking water. May we learn to share with one another and, in this way, come to share in your generosity to all.

O God, give us your love for the whole of Creation

Creator God, the sun, the wind and the waves are your gifts for the flourishing of the whole community of life on earth. Help us to use them creatively to produce sustainable energy for all.

O God, give us your love for the whole of Creation

Through scientists, engineers and scholars new knowledge comes to light; may new developments in the production of sustainable energy protect our fragile planet and promote the well-being of all peoples and all creatures on their journey to wholeness.

O God, give us your love for the whole of Creation

We pray for the United Nations, for all international, national and local leaders and for managers of companies that they may be guided by your Spirit to make wise decisions about sources of sustainable energy for all.

O God, give us your love for the whole of Creation

Creator God, You have blessed humankind with understanding, imagination and memory. Show us how to learn from past mistakes and plan for the future creatively and responsibly.

O God, give us your love for the whole of Creation


Let us pray: Create in us a new heart and a new vision, O God, that the gifts of Your Spirit may work in us and renew the face of the earth. May we be one with you so that our work is yours and your work is ours. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who lives with you and with the Holy Spirit for ever.


(Prayer written by Sister Catherine Brennan and Sister Ann Concannon, Sisters of St Louis, for Churches Together in Britain and Ireland's Time for Creation resources)

Prayers of intercession

O Holy God who has caused all things to come into being for our use and your glory, teach us how to recognise your energy and light, your purpose and inspiration in all work places. AMEN

May all people in their daily lives and work know their contribution to your creation and creativity. Thank you for your presence in the transformation of things into human goods and services. AMEN

Send your Spirit, that people in the workplace may discover new, spiritual significance in what they do and so may touch the things they handle with new reverence and respect. AMEN

Give to all people that precious gift of seeing your presence everywhere. AMEN

Give to your church a new vision and passion that we may be willing to work in new ways, with new people, in new places, for we have much to learn. AMEN

Give to each of us a new commitment to love and serve you in our use of the good things of your creation. AMEN

(Prayer written by Rev. Robin Morrison, June 2006, for the European Christian Environmental Network Assembly)

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